Hip Hop Music Service - Store

Welcome To...

Phantom Records, GP.
9841 Washingtonian Blvd.
Suite 200-16, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Main Number: +1 (301) 818-6003
(A.I. Answered 24 / 7)


We do not accept unexpected calls from unknown callers, hidden numbers, or unsolicited salespeople.

This is due to scams, impersonations, and theft conducted by callers pretending to be those and other fake identities. Our losses are still adding up and law enforcement does not investigate crime based on occurance, only proven amount of losses.

So we decided to let our Artificial Intelligence handle calls, instead of people.

I also write about my other two Phantom Records businesses here.

My other two Phantom Records businesses are:

Phantom Records, LLC (2016 – 2020), and Phantom Records, DBA (1989 – Present).

Information for Accounting Visitors

This section is only for accounting purposes for those we do or did do business with us. This section is here because of events that occurred during the U.S. Pandemic. The information here is only visible by visiting this page directly, it does not appear when searching in Google or any Search Engine. This is deilberate, to reduce off-topic text-clutter in our Search Results when customers search for Phantom Records. We apologize in advance for the distraction this causes.

When Phantom Records first became a business (and why).

Phantom Records began in 1989 as a Doing Business As business in Berkeley, California. Michael Widener's mother gave him the ten dollars needed, plus more money for a certified birth certificate, in 1989, after Michael graduated high school, and he learned that his dad had only been joking when he motivated Michael to graduate from honors high school with A and if he did his dad would buy him a house.

To make up for his dissppointment when he learned he would not get his house, even though he graduated with a 4.5 GPA, his mother told him she would find a way to make up for it but she could not make up for it by sending Michael to University even though his grades where higher than his brothers'.

He was angry and sad to say the least. But he just lived with it after his parents told him how much it costs to go to his high school and how much it costs to go to University. Michael didn't know about scholarships and had never applied for any or taken any Advanced Placement Exams and his parents said they could not have afforded the testing fees anyway.

They also said someone needed to look after the house during the day when they were working or travleing and so he said he'll stay home and look after it.

Michael was sad because he was stuck at home alone, without anyone to keep him company or to talk to, and all his high school friends had left for University, even his two closest best friends.

He as completely alone for the first time in his life. No brothers; no friends.

His mother decided that giving him a business to focus on would be good for his mental health (that it might take the place of his friends and brothers while he had no way to visit them and did not want to distract them while they were facing the hardest academic time of their lives, their first year in University).

From the Owner/Manager:

My name is Michael Thomas Widener; I created this Partnership in 2000, when I imported my successful, overseas business back to the United States. I returned home from two years of living abroad and I brought my overseas business back with me. My mother and I discussed my future, and my dad and I also did this, and together we decided my future would be in business.

I counseled my mother that I felt my business was ahead of its time and that we should do a different startup than what I did overseas. She accepted her role and became my Silent, Angel Investor, in a new venture aimed at changing the U.S. Music Industry, to recognize the value of a DJ.

We failed at that. What we accomplished, however, is a near-automated service for selling DJ-mixed music, so, in this way, we are still supporting DJs by selling DJ Music, and we do it all legally.

We have no regrets about how long it took for us to standup our Partnership's website (https://dj-experience.app) because we I knew, and I told my parents, that the laws governing this were still changing. They had gone into flux following the Napter debacle and did not seem like they were going to be stable any decade soon. It took two and a half for them to stabilize so we could use them to do what we do in full compliance.

We're glad we waited and I had every intention of waiting no matter what any attempted to convince me to do. Many tried.

"Mike" Widener's Phantom Records

I am currently recocvering from losses sustained during the U.S. Pandemic (2020 2021).

I'm updating our corpoarate website, the site you are reading:

(https://phantomrecords.com/), and

My retail website:


The updates will inform better, and give potential silent investors, context they have not had previously.

I am the person who has the 100 percent, controlling interest in this General Partnership, and my mother, who is a Silent Investor, has already recovered the investment she provided and has made the agreed upon amount of profit based on our written, partnership agreement.

She no longer has a financial stake in my parntership. She also is participating in some related updates to documentation that are necesseary based on changes in the entertainment industry and rules that went into effect from legislation passed in law in Congress years ago.

In a General Partnership, in the United States, when a partner investor has reached their goal, they are retired from association with the entity unless they re-invest. My mother has not re-invested, as her age and financial capacity no longer allow it.

Therefore, I, as Owner of the Partnership, am what is called a Sole Proprietor Managing Partner. It means that there is only one Partner in the Partnership who has any say in anything.

I have left my mother associated with my partnerhip out of respect for her contribution and trust. It is also because many do not understand the nuances of a General Partnership, not even those in the United States.

They were confused during the U.S. Pandemic when I opened a new account and they created the account in error at a bank and that error led to major problems that I am still recovering from due the bank allowing a bank trainee to handle such a complicated matter compared to the trainee's experience.

If you are new to the United States, what you need to realize is that the United States is the place that is most full of peolpe who are confident, but that their confidence does not follow reality, unless they can provide documentation that supports their confidence and you can verify those documents yourself.

If you cannot do this, you must beware of your own ignornace and avoid trusting your own gut feeling and simlpy not get involved. Business is not about your gut feeling, or your heart of hearts. It is also never about anything personal, including a romantic relationship. It is NEVER about romance. Those two words, business and romance should never be together in a sentence, if the sentence is discussing business in the United States.

U.S. business is about facts, practical plans, and allegiance to that plan between participants. I have never found a participant in an agreement who honored the terms of that agreement with me and, as a result, several relationsips I forged, in writing, are now headed to court to be settled financialy. This is a true relationship, when money is involved, and in the U.S.A., money is ALWAYS involved.

Anyone pretending it is not about money is inexperienced or incompetent. Welcome to a cold, hard facts, and welcome to Phantom Records, General Partnership, in 2025.

Phantom Records, General Partnership (Phantom Records, GP, for short) is a service-based, music-research firm, that studies online music business and provides its results of its research in its web-app, The DJ-experience DJ Mix App (https://dj-experience.app).

Phantom Records, GP, is a General Partnership between the owner and his mother, who is retired form the Partnership, having received her agreed-upon return on investment. Her name remains here, as part of her legacy with the Partnership, and to be a place online where facts about her relationship to her son, Michael, can exist free of capitalist motives. That is the goal of listing her name on this site, to maintain the validity of information, and avoid confusion.

The General Partnership specializes in gathering research to use in streaming mixtapes from their web app while following all of the latest best practices and Internet-music-related guidelines and regulations (as in, laws). Michael's mother remains proud of her son's achivements and is disappointed that the music industry was not ready to recognize a DJ as a creative talent that stands on its own.

A Little About My DJ Mixes

My DJ Mix Services "blend music together." Also known as non-stop mixing, my mixes blend from song to song, creating an uninterrupted listening experience. This requires beat-matching skill and incorporates timed transitions between songs. This characterization of DJing, is what gave rise to my web app's name, DJ-experience. Visit it and see for yourself what it's about: https://dj-experience.app. It has a web bot that is on the homepage that can answer commond questions you will have once you get there.

To hear what I mean, visit a Mix Page here on Phantom Records, or visit the View Mixes page at DJ-experience: Here at Phantom Records, the Store Page is another page you will find with mixes listed. After going there, click a Mixtape Album Cover, then click "Audio Preview" from Mix Album page (or Mixtape Album Page). For DJ-experience, visit the View Mixes page, here: https://dj-experience.app/view-mixes/. Enjoy your visit!