Contact Us...

Directly By Text: Or By Voice.

In California: Our Origin State.

+1 ‪(415) 680-3808‬.
(Answered by Voicemail Greeting.)

In Maryland: Our Headquarters State.

+1 (301) 818-6003.
(Answered by our A.I. Attendant.)

In Nevada: Our Worst Bad Timing.

+1 (702) 816-1896.
(Answered by Voicemail Greeting.)

We Do Not Accept Voice Calls in Nevada Due to Abuse and Crime during the U.S. Pandemic and due to the reduced Police Presence compared to other States.

My California Business Address

Phantom Records, General Partnership
1735 Robinson Street
Unit #1344
Oroville, California 95965

My Other California Business Address

Phantom Records, General Partnership
1900 Oro Dam Blvd E
Suite 12 PMB 273
Oroville, California 95966

My Maryland Business Address

Phantom Records, General Partnership
9841 Washingtonian Blvd
Suite 200 PMB 16
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878

My Business Phone Numbers

+1 (240) 338-7454 (U.X.Design Designer's #)
+1 (240) 475-2545 (DJ-experience®'s Phone #)
+1 (702) 816-1896 (DJ-experience®'s FAQ #)
+1 (301) 818-6003 (My 3rd E-Store 2025)
+1 (301) 818-6003 (Phantom Records, GP)

My Old Business Phone Numbers

+1 (301) 518-6647 (My 2nd E-Store 2004)
+64 (800) GAME-SCAPE (My 1st E-Store 1997)
+1 (240) 475-6431 (Same as above.)
+1 (415) 680-3808 (Same as above.)
+1 (240) 475-6431 Previous Business Mobile
+1 (301) 847-9291 Previous Business Land Line
+1 (301) 847-9292 Previous Fax No.

My old business numbers were lost during the U.S. pandemic when businesses were closed and payments were halted as some banks acted to prevent loss versus organized clans of cyber thieves. Our business was one of one of their targets and the cost of defending our accounts from them led to stopping the flow of funds completely, while the banks upgraded cyberecurity.